Paper Summary

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A Cross-Cultural Case Study of U.S. and Chinese Preservice Teachers' Conceptualization of Critical Thinking Concept

Mon, April 20, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Virtual Room


This exploratory study interviewed 30 U.S. pre-service teachers, and 30 Chinese pre-service teachers for their perspectives on “critical thinking” concept. The analysis chose to highlight the result with three themes: higher order thinking skills vs. omnipresence of positive and negative; Instrumental vs.ontological approach; transformative vs. reflective critical thinking. Overall, the U.S. pre-service teachers offered definitions and examples of critical thinking with educational terminology while the Chinese pre-service teachers tend to offer more holistic answers in the interviews. However, that does not mean that the Chinese pre-service teachers were unfamiliar with or incapable of “critical thinking”. Instead, the Chinese pre-service teachers employed the cultural resources available to them, and explained “critical thinking” concept with the influence of Chinese culture.
