Paper Summary

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Assessment in Higher Education: Exploring Students' Conceptions

Fri, April 17, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Virtual Room


This paper focuses on students’ conceptions of assessment in the higher education context. More specifically it reports an explorative study realized in Italy. To this aim, the Students’ Conceptions of Assessment Inventory (SCoA, Brown, 2003-2008) was used.
A total of 1,118 students (graduate and post-graduate courses) completed the SCoA survey. Data were analyzed in a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Differences and similarities between current results and the previous studies with SCoA are discussed.
This study represented an important step in order to understand what conceptions students have of assessment within the framework of quality assurance. Results of the proposed study may set the groundwork for a critical debate on changes and improvements in the higher education field.
