Paper Summary

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Young Adults' Social Engagement: Results From the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies

Sun, April 19, 8:15 to 9:45am, Virtual Room


Recent studies have linked propensity to donate one’s time and money to educational attainment and cognitive skills. However, the tumultuous change caused by the advancement of technology and changing the landscape of information has made millennials a generation with unique social engagement patterns that might differ from the previous generations. In this study, we used PIAAC data to better understand the relationship between millennials’ tendency to volunteer and their numeracy skills as well as lifelong learning. Our preliminary analysis reveals that while numeracy skills are significantly correlated with millennials’ volunteering patterns, lifelong learning is a more substantive predictor of millennials’ volunteering patterns. Understanding millennials participation in society is important because of the recent emphasis on personal achievement, resiliency, and self-reliance.
