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Game Mechanics and Metacognitive Monitoring Use Within Game-Based Learning Environments

Sun, April 19, 8:15 to 9:45am, Virtual Room


Game-based learning environments (GBLEs) lack the ability to detect learners’ affective states and performance while considering learner’s self-regulated learning (SRL) abilities and environment game mechanics. This study examined how game mechanics (e.g., informational text, concept matrices) embedded in CRYSTAL ISLAND, a GBLE for learning microbiology and scientific reasoning, and learners’ metacognitive strategies influence facial expressions and proportional learning gains (PLGs). Undergraduates (n=67) were recruited for this study involving a task to solve a mysterious illness within CRYSTAL ISLAND. Results indicate those successful in utilizing metacognitive strategies while reading have greater PLGs. Findings indicated affective states differ between game mechanics where negative affective states present in summative assessments do not influence PLGs whereas positive affective states in reading positively predict PLGs.
