Paper Summary

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An Innovative Model for Teaching and Learning: A Blended Approach to Teaching in a California State University Child Development Program

Sat, April 18, 8:15 to 9:45am, Virtual Room


The statewide shortage of teachers and administrators for Early Development, Care and Education (EDCE) settings in California is affecting the ability of service providers to offer high-quality programs for infant, toddler, and preschool children (Freedberg, 2018). The EDCE workforce shortage is a result, partly, to changes in degree requirements for those serving infants, toddlers, and young children (Douglass, 2019). Service providers are challenged with completing their Bachelor's degree because of limited access to university, course scheduling, and social and psychological barriers (Beard & Harper, 2002; Guidera, 2004). This paper reports on the effectiveness of a blended approach of a CSU child development program, examining (a) how the model addresses higher education access and (b) how the model improves student outcomes.
