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Identifying Errors in Creative Problem Solving: Referring to Large-Scale Assessment Results for Commercial Apprenticeship

Tue, April 21, 8:15 to 9:45am, Virtual Room


Creative problem-solving (CPS) is decisive for managing individual and organizational challenges. Empirical findings show that already adolescents’ CPS behavior have a reasonable impact on innovations. Due to complexity, errors arise within associated processes (e.g., problem construction, information gathering, idea generation, idea evaluation, implementation planning, or monitoring). For boosting and overcoming occurring errors in CPS, more knowledge is needed. As errors are domain-specific, we link the power and possibilities of CPS to the business perspective of intrapreneurship as one domain-specific manifestation of this public good. Referring to a large-scale assessment, we analyze 5,436 apprentices’ responses to identify errors. To make sense of our findings, we associate them to CPS error types, and formulate instructional means, including a domain-specific error management.
