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How Do English Language Learners at Risk for Dyslexia Compare to Their Typically Developing Peers in Decoding? A Meta-Analysis

Sat, April 18, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Virtual Room


It is unclear whether different decoding measures can better differentiate between English Language Learners (ELLs) who are at risk for dyslexia (ARD) and Typically Developing (TD) students. This meta-analysis examined the magnitude of discrepancy between ELL ARD and TD students in decoding measures in terms of context (context-dependent vs. word list) and construct (accuracy vs. fluency). Twenty-two studies were selected and the results showed that context-dependent decoding tasks revealed larger discrepancy between ARD and TD students than did in word list decoding tasks. The discrepancy between ELL ARD and TD students was similar to that observed between English as a First Language (EL1) ARD and TD students (Est.=.15; p=.76). Also, students performed similarly on fluency and accuracy tasks (Est.=0.01, p=.96).
