Paper Summary

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Tracking Dynamic Emotional Trajectories in MetaTutor Using Latent Growth Curve Modeling: Role of Self-Regulated Learning

Tue, April 21, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Virtual Room


Using latent growth curve modeling, the study demonstrates that students in the MetaTutor condition experienced lower levels of boredom and anxiety over time. It further suggests more variation in the change of boredom among individuals in the control condition over time while the intervention group shows a higher level of variation in the change of anxiety among individuals. It is noteworthy that a higher level of anxiety at the initial level has a more significant impact on anxiety at a later time point. The study further shows how emotional trajectories are associated with changes in self-regulated learning strategies over time. Latent growth curve modeling can be a useful methodological approach to identify growth patterns of intra-personal and inter-personal emotional changes.
