Paper Summary

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Interrogating Culture in a Teacher Inquiry Community: Collaborating Toward Culturally Engaged and Equity-Oriented Literacy Learning With Latinx Students

Sun, April 19, 2:15 to 4:15pm, Virtual Room


Educators and researchers have long advocated for curricula that honor, learn from, and leverage the funds of knowledge of students from historically minoritized communities. Yet, the realities in many schools have not caught up to this ideal. This paper draws on data from a larger 4-year study to investigate how Latinx bilingual elementary teachers in an inquiry community thought together about these issues in the process of designing and implementing a culturally-engaged and equity-oriented literacy curriculum. We illuminate the nuances and tensions of the inquiry process, as teachers grappled with contesting notions of culture in light of their assumptions of students, their own positionings, and the constraints and possibilities for instruction at a time of high-stakes testing.
