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Academic Procrastination and Characteristics of the Instructional Context: A Multivariate Two-Level Analysis of Higher Education Courses

Sat, April 18, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Virtual Room


Procrastination is a widespread phenomenon in higher education. However, there are only few studies on the relevance of instructional characteristics to academic procrastination and so far, these did not consider a multidimensional approach. Therefore, the aim of our study was to examine their role more closely. For this purpose, we conducted a multilevel study in a sample of 92 different courses with in total 1812 students deriving from distinct faculties and semesters. Two-level modelling with multiple predictors and also under control of motivational determinants revealed significant associations of students’ procrastination with certain task and course characteristics. The results imply that changes on an instructional level may be a promising approach to reduce academic procrastination.
