Paper Summary

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Curricular Contrabandistas, "Tempered Radicals," and "Complicit Colonists": Exploring Critical Discourse in a Latinx-Serving Institution

Sun, April 19, 8:15 to 9:45am, Virtual Room


This paper draws from qualitative case-study data and autoethnographic data, in order to critically explore the process of EdD program redesign and curricular transformation from a Freirean perspective within the context of a Hispanic Serving Institution located on the US/Mexico Border. More specifically, we tease out the tensions and pleasures of thinking about curricular change as a practice of freedom within and against colonizing logic of neoliberal conceptualizations of continuous improvement and examine the possibilities and problematics of using critical dialogue as a decolonizing curricular practice of EdD program redesign within the context of a Latinx-serving doctoral program at the second largest Hispanic serving Institution.
