Paper Summary

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The Impact of Informational and Motivational Social Media Communication on First-Year University Students

Sat, April 18, 8:15 to 9:45am, Virtual Room


This mixed-methods study explored how using Slack, a social media platform, impacted hope, academic self-efficacy, career goals, sense of belonging and how these variables impacted student GPA, course grades, and retention after the first semester of study at their university. The sample was formed from a group of 1,000 incoming first-year students, with an n=131 participating in one of three groups: one intervention group receiving motivational and informational Slack Messages, another group receiving only informational messages, and a control group that received neither, in order to see if Slack messaging impacted various educational variables. While findings were mixed, the use of the tool pointed to the importance of building a sense of belonging and academic self-efficacy within this student demographic.
