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Extracurricular Activities in the Winner-Takes-All High School

Sat, April 18, 8:15 to 9:45am, Virtual Room


The theory of winner-takes-all market as a high school postulates that as high schools increase in size, socioeconomic status (SES), and academic aptitude, schools’ services will become increasingly stratified among the highest SES and academic students. Using random effects models, this study utilizes the Education Longitudinal Study:2002 to understand how ten different extracurricular activities and their leadership positions relate to the winner-takes-all high school model. Nine of the ten activities have positive relationships with student SES and academic aptitude. The activities of student government, yearbook/newspaper, and academic honor society have the highest likelihood of a winner-takes-all market to dictate membership and holding a leadership position. Further discussions include other activities and the relationships of Catholic and Private schools.
