Paper Summary

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Poverty, Policy, Public Confidence: Dialogic Knowledge to Reshape Narratives of Youth, Teachers, and Teaching Curriculum

Fri, April 17, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Virtual Room


The paper uses a pedagogical inquiry approach of dialogic knowledge to illuminate a narrative account as it relates to poverty, teachers’ lives, youth advocacy, school culture and community/organizational stakeholder connections. The paper engages researchers, practitioners, youth, and organizational stakeholders for the public good. In particular, it examines how one educator re-awakens curriculum by creating an inclusive school climate and culture. An introduction of dialogic knowledge and narrative elements will be explored. In line with the AERA 2020 annual meeting theme on power and possibility for the public good, the relationship between youth, educators, and school culture will be represented meaningfully in order to engage scholars globally to examine the transformative possibilities for future schooling, equity, and public confidence.
