Paper Summary

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A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between the Science Writing Heuristic and Academic Achievement

Fri, April 17, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Virtual Room


The Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) is described as an immersive argument-based science inquiry particularly focused on oral and written language. In the literature, there are several primary studies show the effect of SWH on critical thinking and academic achievement. Besides these primary studies, several meta-syntheses of qualitative data were conducted on the area of writing in science. Therefore, a meta-analysis was conducted on 10 studies examining the effectiveness of SWH on students’ achievement. The results showed the overall effect is statistically significant in favor of the SWH approach comparing to traditional instruction. The study also examined the effects of the variables grade level, course context, location of the studies, length of interventions, and publication types to present a detailed report.
