Paper Summary

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Professional Development: Centering Indigenous Land Education in Teacher Professional Development

Sun, April 19, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Virtual Room


This chapter highlights a Land Education Teacher Professional Development (LETPD) model that engages teachers in a two-day experience with the Lummi Nation. Examining the experiences of planning and implementing the LETPD, a clear framework emerged for others to consider in facilitating community-led PD with Indigenous communities. This framework includes 5 overarching principles, that the PD: 1) is built on authentic relationships, 2) is community led, 3) is localized and seasonal, 4) connects to school curriculum, and 5) supports resurgence. These principles do not follow a linear process, but should be considered throughout all aspects of LETPD. The paper closes with recommended practices of what not to do as well as needs to sustain collaborative PD with Indigenous communities
