Paper Summary

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Minority-Serving Institutions. What's Under the Hood? Networks, Hierarchy, and Rhythms That Support Preservice Teachers of Color at Minority-Serving Institutions

Sun, April 19, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Virtual Room


This chapter uses ideas from design theory to unpack institutional forms that support preservice teachers of color at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). Specifically, we outline how networks, rhythms, and hierarchies assemble a useful heuristic to understand how MSI teacher education programs function when they are working at their best. The chapter illustrates these institutional forms through a discussion of teacher licensure exams and the supports MSIs provide for preservice teachers of color as they endeavour to pass these exams. In sum, we initiate a useful framework teacher educators and scholars can use to understand the exceptional success of MSIs that develop teachers of color.
