Paper Summary

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Mentorship. EquityMatterz: Leveraging Critical Professional Development and Critical Mentorship to Retain and Sustain Teachers of Color

Sun, April 19, 12:25 to 1:55pm, Virtual Room


Mentored relationships designed to support Teachers of Color often obscure the relevance of race and racism when operationalized through traditional approaches to mentoring. Provoking critique of this phenomenon, this chapter describes how faculty of color from Touro University Nevada leveraged Critical Professional Development (Kohli, Picower, Martinez, & Ortiz, 2015) and Critical Mentorship (Weiston-Serdan, 2017a) to better understand how to retain and sustain teachers of color committed to racial justice within the profession. What is shared proves significant for teachers, school leaders, teacher educators, education reformists, and education stakeholders seeking to cultivate culturally-efficacious mentored relationships with Teachers of Color.
