Session Summary

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Explorations of Waste in Academic Inquiry

Sun, April 19, 8:15 to 9:45am, Virtual Room

Session Type: Roundtable Session


As many have noted (Bauman, 2004; Sandlin & McLaren, 2010), waste is a pervasive product of contemporary capitalist societies and should garner greater attention. Concerns over waste and its effects should equally require the attention of those interested in educational inquiry. In this panel, presenters will reconsider academic waste—its conceptualization, value, effect, affect—in light of the modern production of academic knowledge. Panelists will consider waste both through theoretical perspectives, exploring how theory produces and makes use of waste, and through its inherent materiality, exploring its productive affects. In each paper, presenters will draw out the connection between waste, academic inquiry, and its relationship to the public good, suggesting new ways of framing and thinking with/through/about waste.

Sub Unit


