Session Summary

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From Badges to Bridges: How Digital Micro-Credentials Support Collaboration, Partnership, and Learning Across Contexts

Fri, April 17, 2:15 to 3:45pm, Virtual Room

Session Type: Symposium


Digital micro-credentials, sometimes called digital badges, have been used to make the learning that happens outside of formal school contexts more visible and valuable to youth who earn the credentials, to those who provide youth programming, and to the gatekeepers who decide what credentials signal mastery and readiness for college and careers. Researchers investigating micro-credential systems have found that they can be useful tools for creating innovative partnerships across groups that do not ordinarily interact, such as higher education faculty and youth serving organizations. In this symposium, researchers representing four different projects will share their experiences establishing collaborations across contexts with the aim of providing more equitable college and career opportunities through the use of digital micro-credentials.

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