Session Summary

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Bringing Integrity Back to Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Education: CRT as Both Theory and Methodology

Fri, April 17, 4:05 to 5:35pm, Virtual Room

Session Type: Roundtable Session


Ladson-Billings (2013) notes the need for critical race work to “be as rigorous as that of any other scholarship (or perhaps more so)” (p. 45). In a time of oversaturation in the field, this session attempts to use CRT with integrity, centering its original tenets and the experiences of racialized people. Furthermore, these four papers span various educational disciplines - Administration, Literacy, History and Language Arts - revealing the power of CRT to integrate both scholars and theoretical frameworks. We seek to reinvigorate conversations about the critical use of CRT in educational scholarship and to explore the potential for CRT to be used by researchers and educational stakeholders.

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