Self-Directed Learning, Motivation, and Metacognition
Sat, April 18, 10:35am to 12:05pm, Virtual RoomSession Type: Poster Session
This poster session includes seven papers addressing topics in self-directed learning, motivation, and metacognition. Additional topics include writing, math, and science. Paper topics include, spontaneous usage of self-testing and the relationship between mental effort and the testing effect, an examination of whether students’ engagement in SRL strategies mediate writing self-assessment, an examination of the psychometric properties of the Self-efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning scale (SESRL) among college students, an examination of the relationships of trait self-control and intelligence, and an investigation into how self-reported metacognitive awareness, self-efficacy and calibration relate in fifth-grader learners reading a science text; and how perceptions of certain instructional tasks and course characteristics relate to academic procrastination of undergraduate students.
Sub Unit
Academic Procrastination and Characteristics of the Instructional Context: A Multivariate Two-Level Analysis of Higher Education Courses - Lisa Baeulke, University of Tübingen; Markus Dresel, Augsburg University
Examining the Relationship Between Students' Writing Self-Assessment and Writing Performance Through Self-Regulated Learning: A Mediation Model - Melissa R. Hunte, University of Toronto; Christine Marie Barron, OISE/University of Toronto; Eunice Eunhee Jang, University of Toronto
Experiencing the Testing Effect to Increase the Use of Self-Testing - Luotong Hui, Maastricht University
Facilitation or Interference? The Role of Pictures in Learners' Calibration of Comprehension - Ying Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology; Rayne A. Sperling, Pennsylvania State University
How Self-Reported Metacognition, Calibration Indices, and Self-Efficacy Relate and Moderate - Joseph C Tise, Texas A&M University; Ying Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology; Rayne A. Sperling, Pennsylvania State University; Samira Syal, North Carolina State University; Daniell DiFrancesca, The Pennsylvania State University - Erie, The Behrend College; Taylor M Young, The Pennsylvania State University
Measures of Achievement: The Differing Relationships With Self-Regulated Learning and Intelligence - Fabian T. C. Schmidt, University of Hamburg; Christoph Lindner, IPN - Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education; Julian Etzel, IPN - Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education; Jan Retelsdorf, University of Hamburg
Validating the Self-Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning Scale for Use With College Students - Ryan Iaconelli, National Center for Education Statistics; Anna C Brady, Georgia Southern University; Christopher A. Wolters, The Ohio State University