Paper Summary

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Social Justice in Child Literacy: How Family Socioeconomic Status Influences Children's Literacy Development

Thu, April 8, 1:00 to 2:00pm EDT (1:00 to 2:00pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Sociology of Education Roundtable Sessions


This study aims to review the previous findings of family socioeconomic status and children’s reading achievement. Children’s first relationships and communication patterns typically build upon diverse experiences shared with their parents. In terms of equality in education, educators have pointed out the potential problem that children from lower SES families experience considerable disadvantages in their literacy development, especially in early childhood and elementary years. Researchers have reported a significant relationship between low family SES and students’ poor learning outcomes (Scales, Roehlkepartain, Neal, Kielsmeier, & Benson, 2006). Using the bibliometric analysis and scoping review, I will explain the trends of recent studies with a topic of social justice in children’s reading and synthesize meaningful suggestions from the previous findings.
