Paper Summary

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"Nothing Specific to Immigrant Families (Yet)": State Administrators' Perspectives on Initiatives for Immigrant Families

Fri, April 22, 2:30 to 4:00pm PDT (2:30 to 4:00pm PDT), Manchester Grand Hyatt, Floor: 2nd Level, Harbor Tower, Harbor Ballroom C


This paper is part of a larger study exploring ecologies, supports, and systems around immigrant families of young children under age five. It reports the views of 95 state administrators representing 45 states, who oversee programs, initiatives, and services for immigrant families with young children. Findings highlight a general lack of focus on creating and implementing specific initiatives for immigrant families, although there are some promising programs, initiatives, and new staff positions. State administrators’ perceptions of staff roadblocks, professional development, and policy implementation ideas correlated with implementation of initiatives. Assessing existing and desired initiatives and reducing barriers state administrators face may help inform federal and state-level policy recommendations that can improve outcomes for immigrant families and children in the US.
