Paper Summary

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Cultivating Critical Arts-Based Projects for Equitable Graduate Research Preparation for the 21st Century and Beyond

Mon, April 25, 8:00 to 9:30am PDT (8:00 to 9:30am PDT), San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B


This paper captures how four BIPOC student researchers and their Black woman professor used critical arts-based research methods to resist policies and systems predisposed to BIPOC’s dispossession in academia. The arts utilized to our purpose were: songwriting, art collage, theatre, and podcast. We determined these methods to be in tune with our researcher selves, which allowed for a more equitable approach to research. Our artistic modalities represent “. . .unique means for enhancing the educational perspectives of audience members by successfully communicating the ineffable dimensions of experiences...” (Barone & Eisner, 1997, p. 101) that our communities endure within schools/institutions. By encouraging the spread of arts-based research we may create new ways of knowing and pose new emancipatory questions, transforming the field.
