Paper Summary

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Critical Podcasting Methodology

Mon, April 25, 8:00 to 9:30am PDT (8:00 to 9:30am PDT), San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B


Building on the author’s current dissertation research in podcast methodologies and pedagogies, this paper focuses on the critical disentangling and distilling of methods for education research and shares an emerging and complex methodology of art-based research the author is calling critical podcast methodologies (CPM). CPM is an emerging arts-inquiry research methodology utilizing a podcast medium for challenging hierarchies of oppression, while amplifying transformative community centered alternatives. It is a performative interdisciplinary bricolage, emphasizing dialogical processes amongst co-hosts who engage in a co-generation of knowledge, storytelling, and counter narratives. The current literature on podcasts as a critical research methodology is extremely limited and this paper, and the author’s current dissertation research, aims to contribute to filling these gaps in the research.
