Paper Summary

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High School Teachers' Differing Perceptions of the Engineering Design Process (Poster 25)

Mon, April 25, 9:45 to 11:15am PDT (9:45 to 11:15am PDT), AERA Virtual Poster Rooms, AERA Virtual Poster Room 1


Engineering design theory and pedagogy is becoming increasingly mainstream in K-12 settings, generally embodied as “The Engineering Design Process (EDP).” However, there are many different instantiations of “the” EDP across different educational settings which use different vocabulary, steps, and structures from the design theory literature. Much as the “scientific method” was codified by K-12 educators and standard-setters, the EDP is undergoing a similar coming-of-age in that it is being redefined and codified in K-12 settings. In this paper, we qualitatively examined the internalized EDPs used by four high school engineering teachers comparing them with the EDP used by engineering education researchers to understand potential discrepancies and misconceptions about engineering design.
