Paper Summary

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The Relationship Between School Occupations by Students and Academic Performance: Evidence From Colombia

Sat, April 23, 9:45 to 11:15am PDT (9:45 to 11:15am PDT), World Educational Research Association Virtual Meeting Rooms, WERA Virtual Meeting Room 1


This research assesses the effect of school occupation by students (SOE) on academic performance. A panel data regression model with year and school fixed effects was estimated. The estimates use the information on standardized national tests (Icfes), information on schools, and a new and rich source of information on SOE for 2012 to 2019. Estimates show that SOE was associated with decreased scores on standardized mathematics tests. (-0.009 DE) and reading (-0.012 DE). These results are consistent with the literature that suggests that class reduction is related to lower learning. Furthermore, heterogeneous effects indicate that men, compared to women, and students from the lower economic strata, compared to the higher strata, have an additional negative effect due to the SOE.
