Paper Summary

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Study Skills Course for Undergraduate English-Medium Instruction Business Students in Taiwan

Sat, April 23, 9:45 to 11:15am PDT (9:45 to 11:15am PDT), World Educational Research Association Virtual Meeting Rooms, WERA Virtual Meeting Room 1


In the last decade, universities worldwide have been making great strides in recruiting international students by offering English-medium instruction courses or programs. This study investigated the effect of a study skills class implemented in an undergraduate business program in Taiwan, and compared the changes in students’ general self-efficacy beliefs, along with their flexibility and willingness to utilize English-learning strategies, before and after taking the course. Among the 68 participants, it was shown that explicit instruction and continuous practice of learning strategies proved to have a significantly positive influence on students’ level of self-efficacy and their likelihood to adopt assorted learning strategies for their EMI courses. Findings of this study provide a potential solution to improve student retention in EMI programs.
