Paper Summary

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Dual Enrollment and Its Impact on the College Access and Persistence of Students of Color

Fri, April 14, 8:00 to 9:30am CDT (8:00 to 9:30am CDT), Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom IV and V


This study investigated the utilization of dual enrollment participation as an equitable academic integration strategy that would lead to college enrollment and persistence for African American and Hispanic students. Results from the quantitative design using the High School Longitudinal Study (HSLS:09), positioned in a student academic integration and equity framework, revealed the persistent disparities in outcomes as it relates to African American and Hispanic students and enrollment and persistence in college. The results revealed that dual enrollment does not specifically impact college enrollment and persistence for African American and Hispanic students and magnifies the disparities in outcomes experienced by students of color.
