Session Summary

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Just Research/ers: Resisting Censorship and Mis-Education/Advancing Human Freedom Collectively

Thu, May 4, 2:30 to 4:00pm CDT (2:30 to 4:00pm CDT), AERA Presidential Sessions, AERA Presidential Virtual Room 2

Session Type: Virtual Symposium


It may be of no importance to the race to be able to boast today of many times
as many “educated” members as it had in 1865. If they are of the wrong kind
the increase in numbers will be a disadvantage rather than an advantage. The
only question which concerns us here is whether these “educated” persons are actually equipped to face the ordeal before them or unconsciously contribute to their own undoing by perpetuating the regime of the oppressor.
– Dr. Carter G. Woodson, Mis-education of the Negro, 1933/2023, p. 4
Every scheme to prohibit public schools from teaching about the history of
bigotry, discrimination, and hate in this society is a 21st century attempt to turn, transform public schools into the Woodrow Wilson White House where D.W. Griffith’s “Birth of a Nation” was shown to validate bigotry, ignorance, and
distrust against marginalized people.
–Wendell Griffen (Former Judge, Arkansas), 20231
The Eurocentric concept and “practices” of democracy and public schooling
(en mass) do not nurture nor enhance “nationalistic organizational formations that connect culture, Pan-African consciousness and the building of Diasporic linkages.”
--Mosi Deterville-Makori, Sankofa Cultural Institute, 2023
When we do not take control of our children’s education it means that we are not there to meet the intent of their biological and cultural programming with our own cultural content and our own intent as a people. Therefore, there will be a mismatch between how they are taught, what they are taught and their own intellectual growth and development. In a sense, the largest percentage will fail even when they “succeed”.
- Dr. Amos N. Wilson

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