Thursday Roundtable Session 10:50 am
Thu, April 11, 10:50am to 12:20pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BChair
Breaking the Silence: Action Research on Anti-Semitism and Education for an Inclusive Future - Ilana Weltman, The George Washington University; Benjamin M. Jacobs, The George Washington University
Discussing Racial Inequalities Through Film: An Inquiry on Developing Cultural Proficiency in a Spanish Classroom - Joshua Wood, Taylor University
(Re)Constructing “Local” as Language Model: Raciolinguistic Ideologies and Learner Investment in an Online Adult ESL Class - Gengqi Xiao, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Call-and-Response Critical Poetic Inquiry: A Method of Our Own - Camea Davis, Research Partnership for Professional Learning; Syreeta McTier, Independent
Letting Dance Teach: (Kin)Aesthetics and Ethics, Agency and Vulnerability, Meaning and Truth Search in Becoming as Subject in Education in a World of Others - Paul Edward Moerman, University of Jyväskylä
“Working on Our Expressions”: Critical Arts-Based Autoethnographic Reflections on Liberating Creativity Through Arts Integration Teaching Residencies - Qiana Cutts Givens, Mississippi State University; Travis R. Gratteau-Zinnel, Iowa State University
Culturally Responsive Assessment of Multilingual Learners: Preschool Teachers’ (Re)Construction of Pedagogical Possibilities Toward Justice - Angy Porras Gonzalez, University of Washington; Soojin Oh Park, University of Washington
Dual-Language Bilingual Education Leaders as Learners, Anchors, and Advocates - Astrid Sierra, University of Maryland, College Park; Melinda E. Martin-Beltran, University of Maryland; Sandra Natalia Gutiérrez, University of Maryland; Amanda D. Cataneo, University of Maryland
The Error Message: Stakeholders’ Experiences Supporting Neurodiverse Children in Dual Language Bilingual Education - Briseida E. Tijerina M. Cardoza, University of Texas - San Antonio; Kathryn I. Henderson, University of Texas - San Antonio; Zhongfeng Tian, Rutgers University - Newark; Carly Leech, The University of Texas at San Antonio; Monica Ramos
Learning From and About Los Maestros: Hispanic Male Experiences as Bilingual Educators in Texas - Leslie Uchenna Ekpe, East Texas A&M University; Nicole K. Weinberg, Texas Christian University; Steve Daniel Przymus, Texas Christian University; Gabriel S. Huddleston, Texas Christian University; Frank Hernandez, Texas Christian University; Kathleen Kyzar, Texas Christian University; Garrison Daly, Texas Christian University; Lea Lester, Texas Christian University; Elissa Bryant, Texas Christian University
Constructing a Formative Assessment With Multilingual Student and Family Users: An Innovative Focus Group Protocol - Keira G. Ballantyne, Center for Applied Linguistics; Ivanna Mann Thrower Anderson, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction; Amy Simpson-Burden, The Center for Applied Linguistics; Brittany York, Center for Applied Linguistics
Behind Closeted Doors Were Eminent Educators: The Story of Dieter Cunz and Oskar Seidlin - Kyle J. Williams, The Ohio State University
İsmail Hakkı Tonguç: A Biography Research of a Knowledge Transporter at the Transnational Level - Seyma Aksoy, Yıldız Technical University Türkiye
Seeing Through Their Eyes: Place Attachment and Teachers’ Understanding of Worldviews - Kathleen E. Murray, Valley Stream UFSD #24
Charter School Expansion, Catholic School Enrollment, and the Equity Implications of School Choice - Shaun Michael Dougherty, Boston College; Andrew F. Miller, Boston College; Yerin Yoon, Boston College
Equity and Equanimity: The Impact of Emotional Well-Being Training on Catholic School Parents and Teachers - Donna Kiel, DePaul University; Barbara Flis, DePaul University
"Fue lo Mejor que Pude Haber Hecho”: A Comparison of Latino Subgroups’ Motivations to Enroll in Urban Catholic Schools - Cristina Joan Hunter, Boston College; Myra Rosen-Reynoso, Boston College; Audrey A. Friedman, Boston College; Maria A. Moreno Vera, Boston College; Charles T Cownie, Boston College
Exploring Latinx and Non-Latinx Families’ Experiences of Dual Language Catholic Schools: A National Survey - Elena Sada, Boston College; Laura Hamman-Ortiz, University of Rhode Island; John Reyes, Boston College
Developing an Observational Measure of Montessori Implementation - Angela Murray, University of Kansas; Carolyn Jean Daoust, University of Kansas; Amelia Murray, University of Kansas; Heather E. Gerker, University of Kansas
Direct Observation for the Development of Equitable Teaching Strategies - Marie Bocquillon, University of Mons-Hainaut; Christophe Baco, University of Mons-Hainaut; Laëtitia Delbart, University of Mons-Hainaut; Antoine Derobertmasure, University of Mons-Hainaut; Marc Demeuse, University of Mons-Hainaut
Examining Peer Observation Practices of Online Teaching and Learning Through Analysis of Existing Instruments - Stella Yun Kim, University of North Carolina - Charlotte; Kristen Wright, University of North Carolina - Charlotte; Carl Westine, University of North Carolina - Charlotte; Marah Lambert, University of North Carolina - Charlotte; Ting Sun, University of Utah
Beyond the Numbers: Using Critical Collaborative Ethnography to Evaluate Homeplace in Freedom School - Jalea Turner, University of Florida; Chonika Coleman-King, University of Florida; Taryrn T.C. Brown, University of Florida; Michael A. Scofield, University of Florida; Natalya Green, University of Florida; Deandra West, University of Florida; Amy Christensen-McLean, University of Florida
I Am My Hair: A Black Woman Educator’s Autoethnography of Oppression and Liberation - Eghosa Obaizamomwan-Hamilton, Stanford University
Rising Up With Black Youth as Researchers: Leveraging Multiliteracies and Community Resilience Through Youth Participatory Action Research - Taryrn T.C. Brown, University of Florida; Dahlia Fabregat, University of Florida; Natalya Green, University of Florida
Toward Humanizing Research in the Context of a Dehumanizing Policy: Culture Circle-Informed Focus Groups - Amy R. Guenther, Saginaw Valley State University
“What's the F*#@ing Point of the Garden?” Whiteness at Work in an Activist Learning Space - Kristen P. Goessling, Pennsylvania State University; Jonathan McCausland, Iona University
Critical Teacher Leadership and Wellness During Times of Unrest - Jill Bradley-Levine, Ball State University; Sara D. Bender, Ball State University
Engaging Preservice Teachers’ Critical Consciousness Through Drama - Saesaem Yoon, University of Washington - Tacoma
“I Am Not Black”: “Educators Are Like, Well, Your Problem Isn't Relevant” - Oluyemisi Ajoke Oloniyo, Washington State University; Amir Asim Gilmore, Washington State University; Yuliya Ardasheva, Washington State University - Tri Cities; Sarah L. Newcomer, Washington State University - Tri-Cities; Dustin Sonny James Van Orman, Western Washington University; Yun-Ju Hsiao, Washington State University - Tri-Cities; Shannon M. Calderone, Washington State University; Shenghai Dai, Washington State University
Reimagining Resistance: Transforming Teacher Education for Candidates of Color - Sherry L. Deckman, Lehman College - CUNY
The Flashpoint of Politics and Praxis: Impacts for Sustainable Education Reform Amid National Teacher Shortage - Kristen L. Pratt, Western Oregon University; Jaclyn Caires-Hurley, Western Oregon University
A Critical Spatial Analysis of Dual Language Access in Urban Settings by Race and Socioeconomics - Emily Holtz, University of Tennessee
Building and Assessing an Empirically Based Racial Literacy Seminar Using Systemic Racism Theory - Thaddeus Atzmon, University of Northern Iowa; Heather Gallivan, University of Northern Iowa; Sarah Meredith Vander Zanden, University of Northern Iowa
The Education of Activists: Critical Racial Literacy Among Chicana Undergraduates - Elena Marie Marquez, Chapman University
Fostering Racial Literacy Through Children’s Literature: Chinese American Students Interrogating Anti-Asian Racism in a Community-Based Book Club - Wenyu Guo, University of South Florida; Yuechen Sun, University of South Carolina
Examining Undergraduate Research Experiences of Latinx STEM Students in Research-Intensive HSIs and Emerging HSIs - Katherine Arias Garcia, University of California, Irvine
¿Hacia Adonde Vamos Ahora? Gag Order Laws and Their Implications for Tenure-Seeking Latinx Women - Daisy Rodriguez, Pennsylvania State University; LaWanda W. Ward, Pennsylvania State University
Schoolhood Epistemologies: Linking Schoolhood to the Personal and Academic Trajectories of Chicana College Students - Lillian A. Cervantes, University of Texas at Austin
Developing Transformative Agency in Culturally Mediated and Socially Constructed Learning as Praxis - Elina Lampert-Shepel, Touro University; Sharon A. Sullivan-Rubin, Touro University
Fostering School-Wide Change: Transformative Agency in Change Laboratories - Nick Hopwood, University of Technology Sydney
Proteus as Process: An Analysis of the Development and Failure of a Data Dashboard Project - Maia Goodman Young, University of Washington
Examining How School Leaders Can Support Teacher Data Use Given the Realities of Schools - Jordan Grant, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing; Alex J. Bowers, Teachers College, Columbia University
Mapping 16 Equity Indicators Across Public Data From Multiple States and New York City: Metadata and Interoperability - Yeonsoo Choi, Teachers College, Columbia University; Alex J. Bowers, Teachers College, Columbia University
Polishing Our Eyeglasses: How a Sensemaking Perspective Can Inform Data Use Research and Practice - Evelyn Goffin, University of Antwerp; Rianne Janssen, KU Leuven; Jan Vanhoof, Antwerp University
Updating the UDL (Universal Design for Learning) Guidelines Through an Equity Lens: Centering Community Perspectives - Jenna W. Gravel, CAST; Nicole Tucker-Smith, Lessoncast Learning; Beth S Fornauf, CAST; Shauntā Singer, CAST; Leila C. Lester, CAST
Positioning Disability at the Core of District Inclusion: Disability Studies in Education in Action - Chelsea Tracy-Bronson, Stockton University
Exploring Educators’ Attitudes About Discipline Disparities at the Intersection of Student Race and Disability Status - Lindsay Romano, New York University
Disrupting Disproportionality Through DisCrit: Implications for School Psychologists as Systems Leaders for Racial Equity - Melissa Itzel Virrueta-Ayala, University of California - Berkeley
Human Diversity as a Basic Understanding for a Positive Diversity Climate in Schools - Svenja Hammer, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Kara Mitchell Viesca, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Svenja Lemmrich, Leuphana University - Lueneburg; Jenni Alisaari, Stockholm University; Naomi Flynn, University of Reading; Sara Routarinne, University of Turku; Wen-Chia Claire Chang, National Institute of Education - Nanyang Technological University; Annela Teemant, Indiana University - Indianapolis
Prioritizing Family-School Partnerships in Pursuit of Digital Justice - Nicol R. Howard, Chapman University
Embrace or Reject? Understanding the Online Experiences of Junior High School Parents, Teachers, and Students After the Pandemic Through Six Technological Access Discourses - Ken-Zen Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University; Ming-Hsueh Tsai, National Academy for Educational Research - Taiwan; Chi-in Wu, Academia Sinica; Hsiaofeng Tsai, National Academy for Educational Research - Taiwan
How Community and Family Engagement Can Help Dismantle Inequalities in Computer Science Education - Paula Nazario, University of California - Los Angeles; Jean J. Ryoo, University of California - Los Angeles; Julie Flapan, University of California - Los Angeles; Roxana Hadad, Processing Foundation; Rocio Mendoza, University of Redlands; Adriana Ruiz Alvarado, University of Redlands; Nicol R. Howard, Chapman University; Nicole Broadnax, University of Redlands
Crisis Communication for School-Family Partnerships: A Case Study - Jill Freedman, Florida Southern College; Oliver Dreon, Millersville University of Pennsylvania; Wendy Kubasko, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Improving Equity-Mindedness in Community College Services - Rebecca Childs, Western Carolina University
Supporting Teachers for the Successful Inclusion of Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing - Christina Armfield, Western Carolina University
Creating a Sense of Belonging in the University Admissions Process - Mike Langford, Western Carolina University
Confronting Racial Injustice in a Rural Elementary School: A Call to Action Utilizing Imagined Kitchen Table Conversations - Stephanie Oudghiri, Purdue University
Grow-Your-Own Program Leaders: Two Narrative Inquiry Case Studies in Rural Arizona Contexts - Gabriela Mocanu, SUNY - College at Potsdam; Nesma Ragab Nasr, Northern Arizona University; Yuanyibo Zhang, Northern Arizona University; Vicki Ross, Northern Arizona University
Understanding One Chinese Rural Student’s Embodied Criticality Through StoryWorlding - Xuanya Zhou, University of Florida; Angela M. Kohnen, University of Florida
Beyond Concept and Revolution: The Freirean Legacy and Spirit of Critique - Arturo Rodriguez, Boise State University; Kevin R. Magill, Baylor University
Conceptualizing Humanizing Reflective Pedagogy and Praxis - Amanda J. Cordova, North Dakota State University
In Pursuit of Racially Equitable Transformation: A Content and Cross-Comparative Analysis of an Urban District of Organizational Routines - Patricia M. Virella, Montclair State University
Teacher Collaborative Work in Inclusive Education: Analyzing Through the Lens of Paulo Freire - Bárbara Silveira Baptista de Oliveira, Pennsylvania State University; Ana Luisa Borba Gediel, Federal University of Viçosa
Philosophy With Children as a Speculative Method - Nikki Rotas, Western University
Entangling Young Children’s Identities Through Belonging Cartographies: Critical Questions for Researching With Children - Sonja Arndt, University of Melbourne; Kylie Smith, University of Melbourne; Nicola J. Yelland, University of Melbourne
Transformation and Re-Storying: A Journey Through Conocimiento as an Analytic Lens for Latine Youth Experiences - Jyoti H. Kaneria, Georgia Institute of Technology
A Choreography of Difference: Exploring the Racial Choreographies of Un/Scripting Unapologetic Blackness in Education - Darion A. Wallace, Stanford University; Jessica Lee Stovall, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Appearance and Impact: Disability Services, Racial Cognizance, and Black Students - Anna Acha, University of California - Riverside; Danielle Mireles, University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Kick, Push, Thrive: Black Girls Mitigating Microaggressions in Informal STEM Education Programs - Deneen S. Dixon-Payne, Towson University; Marcia J. Watson-Vandiver, Towson University; Greg Wiggan, University of North Carolina - Charlotte
Ubuntu, African-Centered Leadership and the Future of our Schools: Models for Progressive and Humanizing Practice - Phillip A Smith, Fordham University; Rosemary M. Campbell-Stephens, University College London; Charlyn Henderson, Teachers College, Columbia University
Embodying Storm: Empowering Resistance Through Black Women Principal Othermothering in Suburban Schools - Racquel L. Armstrong, Arizona State University
We Been Knowin: Black Women Teachers (Re)member That Our Language Is a Living Legacy - Teaira C. McMurtry, University of Alabama - Birmingham
Mapping the Material and Metaphysical Imaginaries of Black Women Educators Through Their Creative Production - Amber Chevaughn Johnson, University of Maryland
Pursuing Racial and Linguistic Justice: (Re)constructing Teacher Education for Black Students and Black Language - Jasmyn K. Jones, University of Memphis
“Asians Are at the Bottom of the Society”: Chinese International Students’ Perspectives on Asian Americans - Jing Yu, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Commitment to Developing Chinese Language in the United States: Immigrant Chinese Families' Experiences and Opinions - Xiaoyi Wei, City College of New York - CUNY
Culturally Congruent Coping With Discrimination and Long-Term Impacts on Chinese American Youths' Education, Career, and Mental Health - Danni Li, Texas A&M University; Jeffrey Liew, Texas A&M University; Lisa Kiang, Wake Forest University
A Review of QuantCrit to Develop Actionable Suggestions for Antiracist Methods - Zachary A. Myers, Pennsylvania State University; Cory Tondreau, Pennsylvania State University
Quantitative Measurement of Structural Racism: A Systematic Literature Review - Amanda J. Davis Simpfenderfer, College of William & Mary; Jingjing Liu, Florida International University; Senttra Snowden-Gregg, College of William & Mary; Ayse Nur Boos, College of William & Mary
Tensions in Critical and Quantitative Research in Education: A Review of the Literature - Laura Vernikoff, Touro University; Emilie Mitescu Reagan, Claremont Graduate University
Leveraging Qualitative Case Study Methodology to Critically Study Whiteness - Lauren N. Irwin, University of Tennessee; Zak Foste, University of Kansas
Interviewee Agency in Online Qualitative Research: A Reflection on the Innovative Use of Online Platforms - Dongni Guo, University at Albany - SUNY; Roberto Lima de Moraes Ramos, University at Albany - SUNY; Carla Meskill, University at Albany - SUNY
How to Site Youth Ethnographies in High-Opportunity Neighborhoods in the United States - Trevor Auldridge-Reveles, University of California - Santa Barbara
Nuancing Rurality Using Critical Realist Grounded Theory and Journey Mapping - Kamia F Slaughter, Indiana University; Nicholas Smith, Auburn University
Reconstructing Math Engagement by Centering the Lived Experiences of Black and Latina/o Students - Samantha E. Holquist, Child Trends; Marisa K. Crowder, McREL International; Ta-yang Hsieh, Search Institute; Mark Vincent B. Yu, McREL International; Claire Kelley, Child Trends; Alyssa Scott, Child Trends; James Fuller, Child Trends
Investigating Local Priorities in STEM Education for Minoritized Learners: A Modified Delphi Approach - Lydia E. Carol-Ann Burke, University of Toronto
Immersive Virtual Reality in Secondary Education: The Need for Methodologically Diverse, Equity-Centered Research - Sahara Pradhan, Collaborative for Educational Services; Rebecca Mazur, Collaborative for Educational Services
Echémonos Flores: A Mentoring Model for Latina Bilingual Doctoral Students - Cynthia C. Teran Lopez, University of Texas - El Paso; Christina Convertino, University of Texas - El Paso
First-Generation Faculty as Institutional Agents - derria byrd, Marquette University
"Nobody Has Ever Spoken to Me About These Things Before": Experiences of African Graduate Students - Kwame Owoahene Acheampong, University of Georgia
Learning From Elementary Bilingual Latina Preservice Teachers: Reconceptualization of Civic Instruction in the Social Studies - Melissa Rojas Williams, University of North Texas; Cinthia S. Salinas, University of Texas at Austin; Adeli Ynostroza Ochoa, California State University - Bakersfield; Maria E. Franquiz, University of Texas at Austin
Utilizing Intersectionality for Agency: Reconstructing Inclusive Excellence Through Stories of Asian Women Teacher Educators - Yejun Bae, Appalachian State University; Sungeun Kang, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; GoMee Park, University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley; EunJung Kim, University of Iowa
Unveiling Impression Management Through Counter-Storytelling: Black Women Educators Navigating Gendered Racial Hostility in Schools - Mia H. Kirk, Montclair State University
“There’s More to the Story Than Our Slanted Eyes”: Voices of Asian American Pre-K–6 Teachers - MinSoo Kim-Bossard, The College of New Jersey
Repatriating the Archive: A Critical Archivist Collaboration With Canal City Youth - Dana Altshuler, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Distant Relatives: A Generational Exploration of Black Girls' Experiences in Providence Public Schools - Princess Garrett, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Autoethnography of a First-Time Racial Justice Student-Teacher: Challenges and Chances for Youth Leaders - Yingyuan Sun, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Painful Truths, Radical Humility, and Researcher Vulnerability: Writing on Racism Within Cross-Racial Research Teams - Tyler Derreth, Johns Hopkins University; Dwayne Kwaysee Wright, The George Washington University
Toward a Black Radical Tradition of Critical Quantitative Education Policy Research - Derek A. Houston, Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
The Liberation, Decolonization, and Abolition (LDA) Collective: Testimonios That Collectively Theorize LDA From the Flesh - Andre S. Anderson-Thompson, University of California - Davis; Anna Penaloza, University of California - Davis; Cristavel Camacho-Gutierrez, University of California - Davis; Teresita Martinez, University of California - Davis
“I'm Following the Rules, and I'm Breaking the Rules”: Histories of Assessment, Consent-Based Feedback, and Descriptive Review - Ben Gallagher, University of Toronto - OISE
Complicated Attempts at Soft and Slow Data Analysis: The Relational Potential of Descriptive Review With Co-Researchers - Lindsay Cavanaugh, University of Toronto
A Way of Listening: Descriptive Review as Sonic Ethnography in a Collaborative Inquiry - Doug Friesen, Queen's University - Kingston
You Too Are Part of This Research - j wallace skelton, University of Regina
A Review of State-Approved Reading Assessments - Heidi Hines, University of California - Irvine; Nathan Speer, University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Rachel E. Schachter, University of Illinois at Chicago; Michael Hebert, University of California - Irvine
Motivation and Morale Under ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Accountability: Evidence From Three States - Kerstin A. Carlson Le Floch, American Institutes for Research; Drew Atchison, American Institutes for Research; Anna Healy, American Institutes for Research; Kylie Klein, American Institutes for Research
Relating Interim Assessments to Summative Tests: An Evaluation of Interim-Summative Alignment in Missouri - Christopher Wolfe, Marzano Research Laboratory; Mike Fulton, Success Ready Student Network; Matt Goodman, Success Ready Student Network
Using Broad Education Indicators in a Standards-Based Reform: How Does It Play Out? - Javiera Marfán, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile; Riikka Hofmann, University of Cambridge
The Imagined Student: A Critical Discourse Analysis of College Syllabi - Nikkia D. Borowski, Syracuse University; Sara Jo Soldovieri, Syracuse University; Emilee Baker, Syracuse University; Katie E. Ducett, SUNY - College at Cortland
Transforming Higher Education as Researchers of Color (THE ROC): Developing Solid Co-Constructed Graduate Support Spaces - Michelle M. Leao, The Ohio State University; Lisa Delacruz Combs, University of North Texas; Rebecca Cepeda, Texas A&M University- Co rpus Christi; Ionell Jay R. Terogo, The Ohio State University; Alexander Nichols, The Ohio State University; Hannah L. Reyes, The Ohio State University; Neal McKinney, The Ohio State University
Movement in Our Steps: A Call to Action From Members of Black Sororities - Lydia L Ocasio-Stoutenburg, Pennsylvania State University; Azaria I. Cunningham, Boston University; Melanie Lopez, University of Central Florida; Sharde Theodore, Florida International University; Chauntea S. Cummings, Florida International University; Simonie Atala-Shakeria Moore, University of Central Florida
Concentrated Disadvantage or Cosmopolitan Cloak? How White-Asian College Applicants Understand Their Identities and Diversity - Sonia Giebel, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB)
Expanding the Boundaries of White Racial Imagination: Supporting Antiracist Praxis Among Postsecondary Education Staff/Administrators - S Shiver, University of Utah; José Francisco Gutiérrez, University of Utah
How Canadian Universities Are Caught in Geopolitical Tensions: Perspectives of Faculty of Chinese and Non-Chinese Origins - Qiang Zha, York University
The Function of Temporality in University Responses to Anti-Asian Violence - Brendon M. Soltis, Michigan State University
Enacting Radically Inclusive Teaching With Newcomer and Emergent Plurilingual Students: Learning From Teacher Researchers - Alison G. Dover, California State University - Fullerton; Fernando Rodriguez-Valls, California State University - Fullerton; Renae L. Bryant, Anaheim Union High School District
How Teachers of Color Promote Racial Justice in Activist Organizations: The Power of Germinal Networks - Kira J. Baker-Doyle, University of Illinois at Chicago; Lynnette K. Mawhinney, Rutgers University - Newark
NYCoRE’s Inquiry to Action Groups: Developing Political Education Toward Liberatory Futures in Education - Jennifer Queenan, Graduate Center - CUNY; Natalia Ortiz, New York University; Pamela Segura
Teacher Candidates’ Attempts to Implement Anti-Ableist Pedagogy and the Constraints Therein - Benjamin Barnett-Perry, University of Washington
Implementing Critical Literacy: Transitions From Teacher Education to the Classroom - Kris Bell, Claremont Graduate University; Kim Megyesi-Brem, Claremont Graduate University; Rachael Horn Langford, San Diego State University
Extraordinary Pedagogies: Toward a Model for Dynamic and Disruptive Teacher Education - Jeanine M. Staples-Dixon, Pennsylvania State University
What Educational Possibilities Exist When New Teachers Are Properly Supported? - Danielle T Ligocki, Oakland University
Theorizing Justice With Preservice Teachers: "Diversity" and "Acceptance" as Proxies for Whiteness - Alexandria Hollett, California State University - Northridge
When Are Counter-Narratives Permitted? Interest Convergence, Critical Historical Inquiry, and Preservice Teacher Development - Mathew Baker, University of Texas at Austin; Michael Joseph, Texas Tech University; Jazmin Claxton, University of Texas at Austin; Pedro A. Berlanga, University of Texas at Austin
Mentoring Factors and Processes as Predictors of Mentor Teachers´ Professional Development: A Large-Scale Survey Study - Ali Yildirim, University of Gothenburg; Irma Brkovic, University of Gothenburg; Sally Windsor, Gothenburg University; Ilona Rinne, University of Gothenburg; Anna Maria Hipkiss, University of Gothenburg
Reciprocal Peer Observation: Collaborative Knowledge Building Between Teachers - Jesús Ribosa, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Marta Flores, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; David Duran Gisbert, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Putting Culture at the Center: Mentors' Views of Programmatic Impact in Rural Alaska - Katherine McKnight, RTI International; Cheyane Mitchell, RTI International; Laura D. Carsten Conner, University of Alaska - Fairbanks; Keiko A. Herrick, University of Alaska - Fairbanks; Glenda Findlay, University of Alaska - Fairbanks; Janice Littlebear, Alaska Statewide Mentor Project; Susan McIntosh, University of Alaska
Extending Learning Opportunities of Preservice Teachers for English-Language Learners: Translocal Assemblage in Refugee-Background Neighborhoods - Xia Chao, Duquesne University
Modification-Driven Professional Development for Teaching Multilingual Learners - Emily S. Howell, Clemson University; Rebecca A. Kaminski, Clemson University; Mihaela Gazioglu, Clemson University; Nicole Ferguson-Sams, Clemson University; Victoria Pennington, Clemson University; Kavita Mittapalli, MN Associates, Inc.; Amlan Banerjee, National Education Association
A Call for Reorienting Joy in Educative Spaces - Benjamin D. Parker, Coastal Carolina University; Kathryn Parker, The Citadel
A Testimonio Study: Latinx Women Preservice Teachers’ Experiences and Identity Development - Yasmin Rodriguez-Escutia, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Exploring Educational Journey Mapping and Collective Counter-Storytelling in Combination to Learn About Teachers of Color - Sarah Day Dayon, University of Michigan
Preservice Teachers Making Sense of Racialized Experiences - Nicholas D. Hagemann, Oregon State University
(Re)Imagining Radical Racialized Teacher Education: Infusing Self-Study, Autoethnography, and Critical Discourse Analysis to Dismantle Dominant Narratives Among Future Teachers - Lauryn DuPree, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill; Jocelyn A. Glazier, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
The Experiences of Black Development Officers at Private HBCUs - Brandy Rae Jackson, Howard University
Upholding Whiteness in Diversity Statements: A Critical Analysis of (Un)Knowing Rhetorical Manipulation - Vivian Schmolke, University of Oregon
Texas Women of Color Navigating the Toll of Texas SB17 Legislative Changes on Our Lives - Florence Emily Castillo, Texas Christian University; Klarissa Y Perez, University of Texas - Dallas; Attiya Druselahn Ahlya White, University of Texas - Dallas; Torrie Cropps, University of Texas - Dallas
Critical Race Love Letters to Black Women Higher Educational Leaders: “When the Rainbow is Enuf” - Lisa R. Merriweather, University of North Carolina - Charlotte; Edith N. Gnanadass, University of Memphis; Cathy Howell, University of North Carolina - Charlotte; Karen D. Ingram, University of North Carolina - Charlotte
Analyzing the Relationship Between Superintendents’ Race and Principal Diversity - Kimberly Clarida, Michigan State University
“Don’t I Belong?!” Asian Americans and Educational Leadership Development - Jia Liang, Kansas State University; James Sottile, Missouri State University
Teaching Professionals or Stepford Wives? The Role of Teacher Education in Producing the "Stepford Teacher" - Ganiva Reyes, Miami University (OH); Brittany A. Aronson, Pennsylvania State University
Teachers’ Scaffolding and Its Potential to Support Social-Emotional Skills in a Collaborative Learning Context - Sisilia Novena Kusumaningsih, University of Montana - Missoula; Jingjing Sun, University of Montana
A Qualitative Examination of How Teachers Adapt Social and Emotional Learning Programs - Joshua Lovett, University of Illinois at Chicago; Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl, University of Illinois Chicago; Molly Stewart Lawlor, University of British Columbia; Kate Zinsser, University of Illinois at Chicago
How We Teach SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) Matters: Considering the Pedagogies of SEL Framework to Improve SEL - Almut K. Zieher, Yale University; Christina Cipriano, Yale University; Craig S. Bailey, Yale University; Michael Strambler, Yale School of Medicine
Longitudinal Effects of Teacher-Perceived School Organizational Support on Student Social-Emotional Competencies - Maedeh Golshirazi, San Francisco Unified School District
The Influence of Principals' Emotional Intelligence on Teachers' School Climate, Commitment, and SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) Curriculum Beliefs - Stella Jackman-Ryan, North Carolina State University; Tiara A. Griffis, North Carolina State University