Saturday Poster Session 9:35 am
Sat, April 13, 9:35 to 11:05am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall APapers
1. The Achievement Composition Effect in Language Learning: The Moderating Role of Age and Engagement Outcomes (Poster 1) - Norman B. Mendoza, The Education University of Hong Kong; Artem Zadorozhnyy, The Education University of Hong Kong; John Ian Wilzon Tolentino Dizon, University of Hong Kong
2. The Fluidity of Expectancy-Value Effects Across Cultures: An Approach of Three-Level SEM With Random Slopes (Poster 2) - Yuyang Cai, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics; Jia Lin, Howard University
3. The Influence of Racial Stereotypes on Evaluating Moves Played by Black or White Chess Players (Poster 3) - Remigius M. Rikers, University College Roosevelt; Ivette Marielle Duker, Utrecht University; Sofie Loyens, Utrecht University
4. The Role of Classroom Goal Structures in Adolescent Students’ Academic Outcomes: Expectancy-Value Beliefs as Mediators (Poster 4) - Linjia Zhang, East China Normal University; Yi Jiang, East China Normal University
5. The Role of Perceived Teacher Enthusiasm on Girls’ Enjoyment and Anxiety in Mathematics and Science (Poster 5) - Emma Conor Burns, Macquarie University; Katrina Thorvaldson, Macquarie University; Penny Van Bergen, University of Wollongong
6. Understanding Chinese Students’ Classroom Relationships in English Language Learning: The Role of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and Emotions (Poster 6) - Qingyao Dan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Barry Bai, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Jing Wang, Zhejiang University; Wenjuan Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Youyan Nie, National Institute of Education - Nanyang Technological University; Huan Song, Beijing Normal University
7. Understanding the Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Academic Achievement of Chinese Adolescents: The Role of Student Engagement (Poster 7) - Fang Xu, University of Oxford
8. Who Gets More Benefit From Sexual Health Education and When? (Poster 8) - Hyun Ji Lee, The Ohio State University; August Masonheimer, The Ohio State University; Eric M. Anderman, The Ohio State University
9. Determinants (Motivation and Perceptions) of English Learners’ Continuance Intention and English Writing in Online Learning (Poster 9) - Barry Bai, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Jing Wang, Zhejiang University; Qingyao Dan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Jing Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Huixuan Zhou, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Bin Shen, Fuzhou University; Huan Song, Beijing Normal University
10. Enhancing Academic Achievement Among Chilean Students: The Role of Strategic Mindset and Parental Involvement (Poster 10) - Miranda G. Goldstein, University of California - Irvine; Macarena Santana, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile; Susana Claro, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Patricia Chen, University of Texas at Austin
11. A Situated Expectancy-Value Approach to Understanding Indian and American Adolescents’ Science Attitudes and Beliefs (Poster 11) - Khushboo S. Patel, University of Louisville; Judith H Danovitch, University of Louisville; Allison Master, University of Houston
12. Development of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS®) Training: Advancing Competency-Based Education via a Mixed-Methods Approach (Poster 12) - Sheila Shu-Ling Huang, Kaohsiung Medical University; Heng-Fu Lin, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital; Peggy Bi-Chi Chin; Markus Chia-Han Tsai, National Chiayi University
13. Educational Research Dissemination and Coloniality: Imagining a Decolonial Conference (Poster 13) - Claire Lambert, Michigan State University; Sabrina Zarza, Michigan State University
14. Mentored Reviewer Perspectives on Peer-Reviewing Proposals and Manuscripts (Poster 14) - Lisa Benson, Clemson University; Rebecca Bates, Minnesota State University - Mankato; Randi Sims, Clemson University; Evan Ko, University of Michigan; Gary Lichtenstein, Quality Evaluation Designs; Karin J. Jensen, University of Michigan
15. Modeling Growth in Basic Sciences Knowledge Using Progress Tests for Students Preparing for a Licensure Examination (Poster 15) - Irina Grabovsky, National Board of Medical Examiners; Francis O'Donnell, NBME; Carol A. Morrison, National Board of Medical Examiners
16. Paramedic Science Student Perspectives on Blended and Traditional Face-to-Face Education Modalities (Poster 16) - Joanne Piccininni, Bergen Community College; Angela M. Gibson, Texas A&M University - Kingsville; Lori Kupczynski, Texas A&M University - Kingsville
17. Professional Expertise as Articulated Through Reflective Commentaries by Operators and Facilitators During Simulator-Based Learning Activities (Poster 17) - Astrid Camilla Wiig, University of South-Eastern Norway; Roger Saljo, Goteborg University
18. Co-Constructing Science Understanding: Leveraging Distributed Tools for Collaborative Learning (Poster 18) - Xuesong Cang, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Litong Zeng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Dana Gnesdilow, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Mike Tissenbaum, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Sadhana Puntambekar, University of Wisconsin - Madison
19. Development of a Socio-Ecological Learning Performance for Middle School Students' Ideas About Energy Flow (Poster 19) - Laura Zangori, University of Missouri; Rebekah Snyder, University of Missouri; Laura Cole, Colorado State University; Sepideh Fallahhosseini, University of Missouri; Suzanne Otto, University of Missouri
20. Do the Details of Diagrams Influence How Far Students Generalize? (Poster 20) - David Menendez, University of California - Santa Cruz
21. How Does Previewing Moderate the Seductive Details Effect in Listening Comprehension for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Students? (Poster 21) - Yuxin Ren, East China Normal University; Tianrun Zhu, East China Normal University; Zhe Wang, East China Normal University
22. Investigating the Contributions of Different Types of Prior Knowledge on Chemistry Learning Outcomes (Poster 22) - Oluwasola Samuel Oni, Washington State University; Olusola Olalekan Adesope, Washington State University; Oluwafemi J. Sunday, Washington State University; Deborah G. Fabiyi, Washington State University; Blessing Akinrotimi, Washington State University; Rachel Min Wong, University of Tennessee; Krista Nishida, Washington State University
23. Leveraging Common Mathematical Errors to Support Understandings of Equivalence and Operations (Poster 23) - Sarah Clerjuste, University of Delaware; Elena Silla, University of Delaware; Kamal Chawla, University of Maine; Christina Areizaga Barbieri, University of Delaware
24. Negotiating Spatial Congruence While Performing Rigid Transformations in Virtual Reality Mathematics Classrooms (Poster 24) - Maximilian Sherard, University of North Texas; Candace A. Walkington, Southern Methodist University; Prajakt Pande, Southern Methodist University; LeaAnne Daughrity, Southern Methodist University; Theodora Beauchamp, Southern Methodist University; Anthony Cuevas, Southern Methodist University
25. Network Analysis of Learning Theories and Learner Experiences in a Technology-Assisted Vocabulary Learning Experience (Poster 25) - Mahjabin Chowdhury, Texas A&M University; L. Quentin Dixon; Li-Jen Kuo, Texas A&M University; Jonan Phillip Donaldson, University of Alabama - Birmingham
26. Theory-Based Facilitation Principles for Co-Design: An Epistemic Network Analysis (Poster 26) - Luis Felipe Martinez-Gomez, University of Wisconsin - Madison; YJ Kim, University of Wisconsin - Madison
27. How Has Lesson Study Research Improved Instruction? A Literature Review on Lesson Study in Mathematics (Poster 27) - Ariane Faria dos Santos, University of British Columbia
28. Lesson Study to Analyze the Integration of Social Justice, Mathematics, and Pedagogy (Poster 28) - Dittika Gupta, Midwestern State University; Lara Dick, Bucknell University; Melissa M. Soto, University of Florida; Mollie H. Appelgate, Iowa State University
29. From Theory to Practice: Usability and Real-World Applications of the Learning Resources Rubric (Poster 29) - Lei Wang, Auburn University - Montgomery; Tiffany A. Koszalka, Syracuse University
30. Exploring the Emotional Labor Experiences of Rural Novice Teachers in China: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (Poster 30) - Xv Liu, Hunan Normal University; Shuqin Li, Hunan Normal University; Luqing Zang, Michigan State University
31. Building Equitable Relationships Asynchronously Online Using a Rogerian Approach: A Qualitative Journey Through “Messy Concepts” (Poster 31) - Jennifer L. Martin, University of Illinois at Springfield
33. Letting the Mathematics Lead: A Framework for Understanding How Literacy Is Implicated in Mathematics (Poster 33) - Britnie Delinger Kane, The Citadel; Richard JM Robinson, Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation; Melanie Blanton, Texas Tech University; Jennifer Albert, The Citadel
34. Literacy in Science, History, and Visual Arts: Insights From a Cross-Disciplinary Study of Elementary Students (Poster 34) - Patrick Burke, Dublin City University
35. Navigating the Temporal Dimension: Exploring Time in Literacy Activities for a Child With Rett Syndrome (Poster 35) - Wisnu Agung Pradana, University of Georgia
36. Preparing Linguistically Responsive Reading Specialists: An Examination of State Certification and Endorsement Requirements (Poster 36) - Jonathan M. Kittle, University of Delaware; Christina M. Budde, University of Delaware; Steven J. Amendum, University of Delaware; Bryan A. VanGronigen, University of Delaware; Stephanie Del Tufo, University of Delaware
37. Psycholinguistic and Pedagogical Predictors of Reading Comprehension and Fluency in Panamanian Second-Grade Students (Poster 37) - Daniel Cubilla-Bonnetier, Universidad Iberoamericana; Delfina D'Alfonso, Centro de Investigación Educativa AIP; Nadia De León, Centro de Investigación Educativa AIP
38. Reading Is a Revolutionary Act: Exploring Identity and Representation Through Interactive Read-Alouds: Read and Represent (Poster 38) - Brittany Powell, University of Delaware
39. Teachers' Preparedness to Teach Contested Texts: A Multiple Case Study (Poster 39) - Jess Smith, Bellarmine University; Kelsey Leigh Stokes, Baylor University; Ashleigh Maldonado, Hill College; Maggie Bryant, Baylor University
40. The Multiple Roles of Specialized Literacy Professionals: An Update From a National Survey (Poster 40) - Rita M. Bean, University of Pittsburgh; Virginia Goatley, University at Albany - SUNY; Diane Kern, University of Rhode Island; Adam Brieske-Ulenski, Bridgewater State University; Jacy Ippolito, Salem State University; Kevin Smith, Florida State University
41. Creating a Community of Belonging in Educational Psychology Doctoral Education: A Collective Self-Study (Poster 41) - Taylor Cummings, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Nicole J. Thomas, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Lisa D. Bendixen, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Jordan Hankins, Southern Nevada Black Educators Initiative; Sasha Ball, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Tammy Szafranski, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Mayra Marquez-Mendez, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Hank Boone, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Anna Dreibelbis, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Bridget K. Daleiden, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Brian Jones, University of Nevada - Las Vegas
42. Culturally Sustaining and Motivating Practices: Fostering Equitable Learning Environments and Student Academic Success (Poster 42) - Sarah Kiefer, University of South Florida; Raven Robinson-Wilson, University of North Florida; Kerrijo Ellis, University of South Florida
43. Why Educational Psychology? Fostering Teaching Efficacy in Preservice Educators Through Transferability (Poster 43) - Jaime Lewandowski, Oklahoma State University; Paul Hunhoff, Oklahoma State University; Jane S. Vogler, Oklahoma State University
44. Developing Motivation and Resilience Through Outdoor Adventure Education: An Innovative Approach to Teaching Educational Psychology (Poster 44) - Kanvarbir Gill, University of Oklahoma; Benjamin C. Heddy, University of Oklahoma; Jakob Gowell, University of Oklahoma; Cian Brown, University of Oklahoma; Madison Spears, University of Oklahoma
45. Exploring the Predictors of Grade Retention in Primary and Secondary Education (Poster 45) - Lina Shu, Texas A&M University; Xuan Zhou, Texas State University; Tian Chen, Texas A&M University; Sandra T. Acosta, Texas A&M University
46. Social Justice in English Language Teaching: Navigating Issues Into Solutions (Poster 46) - Arisandy Johnson, Arizona State University
47. Why Antiracism and Critical Whiteness: A Conceptual (Self-)Geography? (Poster 47) - James C. Jupp, University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley; Pauli Badenhorst, University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley; Jenna Min Shim, University of Wyoming