Paper Summary

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Mathematics Diagnosis/Assessment Self-Efficacy Scale: A Psychometric Study

Fri, April 12, 7:45 to 9:15am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B


This exploratory study involved the development of a scale to assess pre- and/or in-service teachers’ perceptions of their self-efficacy when diagnosing or assessing students’ mathematics learning. The Mathematics Diagnosis/Assessment (MDA) Self-efficacy scale used a Likert scale format and was administered to 190 pre-service teachers enrolled in mathematics methods courses during the first semester of their senior year. The item total reliability was Cronbach’s Alpha of .936. Exploratory factor analysis revealed clear three-factor structure demonstrating the construct validity of the MDA scale. Three factors were found to interpret 60.59% of the total variance. A discussion of these factors and their implications were included.
