Paper Summary

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Exploring Reading Motivation, Metacognitive Strategies, and Achievement Among Multilingual and English-Dominant Students

Fri, April 12, 4:55 to 6:25pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B


We investigated the relationships between affective and cognitive dimensions of reading engagement and achievement among linguistically diverse students. Specifically, how reading motivation is related to reading achievement due to students’ usage of metacognitive strategies; and whether these relationships vary across multilingual groups. Using SEM on large data sample from the US PISA 2018, we found distinct relationships between reading engagement and achievement across groups. In the English-dominant and Spanish-speaking groups, motivation showed both direct and indirect associations with achievement through metacognitive strategies. The other-language group’s motivation was only linked to achievement through metacognitive strategies. The significance of metacognitive strategies in linking motivation to achievement is evident, showing the importance of integrated instructional practices that address both factors, considering students' backgrounds.
