Association Between Educator Growth Mindset and Racially Minoritized Students’ Science Identity: A Multiple-Group Growth Curve Approach
Thu, April 11, 12:40 to 2:10pm, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 411Abstract
Despite increased research on broadening participation of students of color in STEM education and careers, the extent to which educator deficit mindset, as a structural barrier, is associated with racial minority students’ science identity development and whether it has differential impacts on racial minority versus majority students’ science identity development remain under-researched. Multiple-group latent growth curve analysis of 23,233 U.S. high school student data suggested that for students of color, science teacher expectations have a larger effect than other predictors on the initial science identity level at 9th grade and its rate of change over time, while student sense of belonging to school turned out to be the most important factor for White students’ science identity development.