Investigating the Professional Identity Formation of Teaching Residents of Color Through the Lens of Perezhivanie
Sat, April 13, 9:35 to 11:05am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BAbstract
The professional identity development of teaching residents of color was examined in residencies in the northeastern U.S. Through the lens of perezhivanie, a mental schema humans established to resolve dissonances, we employed narrative research methodology to analyze participants’ program archival data, in which stories were narrated regarding how participants constructed themselves as teachers. Discourse analysis revealed that participants’ personal histories are sources informing critical pedagogy. Two themes emerged regarding residents’ perezhivanie as they resolved dissonances via cultural filters shaped by their life experiences as historically marginalized. The first involves how they professionalized their teacher-self to construct their personal practical knowledge with community members; the second relates to how they transformed their personal-self to imagine a new community of practice.