The Role of Vocabulary Knowledge in Composition Writing Among Chinese Children
Thu, April 11, 2:30 to 4:00pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BAbstract
This study explores the role of vocabulary knowledge in composition writing among Chinese children. Drawing on Nation’s (2001) framework of vocabulary, this study operationalized Chinese vocabulary knowledge from receptive, productive aspects in form, meaning, and use domain, respectively. Five tasks assessing vocabulary and writing were administered to 249 Chinese students from grade 4 to 6. Hierarchical regression showed that productive vocabulary made a cross-grade unique contribution to Chinese writing beyond receptive vocabulary, with vocabulary form as the strongest predictor at grade 4 and vocabulary meaning and use at grade 5 and 6. Findings unpack the multidimensional Chinese vocabulary knowledge and extend writing models to non-alphabetical languages, with pedagogical implications on scaffolding young writers with particular aspects of vocabulary.