Teacher Leadership and Teacher Professional Well-Being
Thu, April 11, 12:40 to 2:10pm, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 411Abstract
This study examined the relationship between teacher leadership – defined as teacher collaboration and coordination – and teachers’ professional wellbeing in terms of job satisfaction and efficacy, using data for teachers from the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment. Results showed that school-level teacher collaboration was significantly and positively related to individual teachers’ satisfaction with their current job environment, even after controlling for other variables. School-level teacher collaboration was marginally but significantly related to teachers’ self-efficacy in classroom management and in maintaining positive relations with students. School-level teacher coordination was positively and significantly related to teachers’ self-efficacy in instructional settings. Together, findings suggested the importance of teacher leadership defined as teacher collaboration and coordination in the professional wellbeing of teachers.