Features and Inspiration for the Innovative Quality Cultivation of Humanities and Social Science Undergraduates
Sat, April 13, 11:25am to 12:55pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104BAbstract
Cultivating innovative quality in undergraduate students of humanities and social sciences (HSS) is not only a challenging task for higher education institutions but also a crucial response to the crisis faced by HSS. In this study, six top universities from the United States, United Kingdom and Germany were selected as case analysis samples. First-hand data on the cultivation of innovative qualities were subjected to rigorous content analysis. The research findings reveal that universities have well-aligned training objectives with societal needs and place a strong emphasis on fostering innovative qualities. They actively promote multi-disciplinary integration through the "HSS+" model and emphasize a problem-oriented and practical approach that combines theory and practice. Additionally, they support innovation literacy training through institution network.