Paper Summary

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From Implementing “What Works” to Fostering Agency for Continuous Improvement: Problem-Solving Competencies for School Leaders (Poster 4)

Fri, April 12, 9:35 to 11:05am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A


Designing well-adjusted solutions to contextually-specific problems of practice is becoming an essential skill to respond to increasingly complex school challenges. The continuous improvement (CI) movement has emerged as a popular answer to help leaders design solutions to endemic problems of practice. Although popular, recent evidence has shown the CI logic is far from trivial. At its core, CI is a problem-solving dynamic to foster educational leaders' agency. Before CI can take off as a method of improvement, educational leaders need to develop a problem-solving mindset as a platform to implement this logic of improvement. This conceptual paper introduces a competency framework identifying fundamental competencies for problem-solving to help leaders unleash their agency to solve wicked problems of practice
