Investigating the Efficacy of Case-Based Instruction Features on Enhancing Educators’ Culturally Responsive, Sustaining Competences (Poster 22)
Sat, April 13, 1:15 to 2:45pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall AAbstract
Case-based instruction (CBI) supports problem solving development among learners, including considering perspectives, environments, and roles. Yet, little is known about what CBI features best support preservice teachers’ (PSTs) leaning. Using mixed-methods, we examined impacts of discussion formats and case order across two teacher preparation courses on PSTs’ (N = 68) culturally responsive, sustaining pedagogy (CRSP) learning, self-efficacy, attitudes, and transfer of learning to novel contexts during CBI focused on Language, Family, Identity, and Assumptions. Quantitative findings highlight the importance of case order, but not of the discussion format. Importantly, increases in CSRP learning and self-efficacy over time were significant regardless of comparison conditions. Qualitative results suggest that the discussion format and the case may elicit different CRSP competencies among PSTs.
Yuliya Ardasheva, Washington State University - Tri Cities
Shenghai Dai, Washington State University
Sarah L. Newcomer, Washington State University - Tri-Cities
Eugenie Mainake, Washington State University
Dustin Sonny James Van Orman, Western Washington University
Danysha Salinas, Washington State University - Tri Cities
Yun-Ju Hsiao, Washington State University - Tri-Cities
Shannon M. Calderone, Washington State University