Paper Summary

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Advancing Teachers’ Geospatial TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) via an Integrated Professional and Curriculum Development Program: A Multiyear Study (Poster 13): SIG-Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning, 8:46 AM

Sun, April 14, 7:45 to 9:15am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A Stage


Three universities working in a collaborative grant conducted an integrated professional development and curriculum development process with teachers at six high schools across four states. Teacher outcomes were assessed using the Geospatial Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (GS-TPACK) scale at the beginning and end of three consecutive school years. Twenty-five teachers--drawn from science, social studies, and other fields--participated in one or more years of the program; these teachers showed large initial gains in their first year with smaller and more mixed changes in subsequent years. This study presents the first use of the GS-TPACK scale with enough power to begin to make inferences about the effectiveness of the integrated model of professional development and curriculum development.
