Teaira C. McMurtry, University of Alabama - Birmingham
10:50am to 12:20pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
In Event: Thursday Roundtable Session 10:50 am
In Roundtable Session: #WeBeenKnowin: Learning From Black Women (Table 20)
On Roundtable Presentation: We Been Knowin: Black Women Teachers (Re)member That Our Language Is a Living LegacyPresenting Author
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 404
In Symposium: Dismantling Conclusive Blackness: Countering the Deterministic Role That Assessment Plays in K–12 Education
On Session Paper: “Trying to Make a Dollar Out of 15 Cents”: An Asset-Rooted Method for (Re)Envisioning and (Re)Constructing English Language Arts CurriculaPresenting Author