Sophia Jeong, The Ohio State University
2:00 to 5:00pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 107A
In Pre-Conference Mentoring Session: Posthuman and Postfoundational Studies in Education: Putting Theory to Work
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115B
In Structured Poster Session: Justice-Centered Pedagogy: Context-Specific Adjustments and Cross-Cutting Constants
On Session Paper: Diffracting the Notion of Race in an Elementary Science Methods Course (Poster 6)Presenting Author
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118A
In Symposium: Tangles of Difference: Transnational and Transgenerational Curriculum Relationalities
On Session Paper: Reconfiguring Race Through the Lens of Working Differences During a Climate Change LessonPresenting Author
1:15 to 2:45pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 13
In Symposium: Expanding Participatory Video Analysis for Ecological and Ethical Validity
On Session Paper: Preservice Teachers’ (Re)Articulation of Students’ Contributions in Video Clubs: Boophis Recognized the BoomPresenting Author