Examining the Educational Experiences of Refugee Children With Disabilities in Jordan, Canada, and Kazakhstan
Sat, April 13, 11:25am to 12:55pm, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 308Session Type: Symposium
More than 103 million people are experiencing forced displacement worldwide, about half of which are children. Of these, more than 15 million are estimated to have disabilities. In response to this crisis, researchers from Canada, Kazakhstan and Jordan partnered to investigate the educational experiences of refugee children with disabilities (RCDs) and their families. Qualitative and arts-based methods were appropriate to the investigation however each context utilized these methods in different ways. Findings were contextual regarding the research question of focus. Additionally, research partners discovered insights into how to work together internationally on this worldwide educational issue. Panelists will discuss individual findings concerning the education of RCDs and share process insights useful to families, teachers and researchers supporting RCDs.
Sub Unit
The Educational Experiences of Syrian Refugee Children With Disabilities in Jordan - Ali M. Alodat, Qatar University and Yarmouk University; Alhanof Aldabaibeh, Yarmouk University; Reem AlKharouf, Yarmouk University
From Isolation to Belonging: How Refugee Children With Disabilities Can Thrive in “Artful” Canadian Schools - Susan Barber, Simon Fraser University
Arts-Based Learning Assistance to Displaced Children: Case of Atyrau Kids’ University in Kazakhstan - Aigul Sultangubiyeva, Atyrau University; Aigerim Shilibekova, Simon Fraser University