Centering Care and Affect in Computing Education
Sat, April 13, 3:05 to 4:35pm, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 11Session Type: Symposium
This session expands and deepens the ongoing conversations in the Learning Sciences that seek to foreground the fundamentally affective, ethical and political nature of learning, by illustrating the multidimensionality of care in computing (and STEM) education, ranging from early childhood to post-secondary learners, both in-school and out-of-school contexts. In addition to foregrounding the socio-material and socio-technical dimensions of care, the papers also foreground the affective, political, historical and moral dimensions of challenging and dis/orienting the epistemic and symbolic violence faced by historically marginalized learners and teachers interacting with code that is entrenched in imperial and colonial ideologies.
Sub Unit
Exploring Sociocomputational Dimensions of Computing Education Through Young Children Learning to Code - Deborah Silvis, SUNY - College at Cortland; Jody E. Clarke-Midura, Utah State University; Victor R. Lee, Stanford University; Jessica F. Shumway, Utah State University
Contrasting Stances at the Crossroads of Debugging Learning Opportunities - David DeLiema, University of Minnesota; Ashley Hufnagle, St. Catherine University; Miguel Angel Ovies-Bocanegra, Northwestern University
Role of Care and Emotion in Learners’ and Facilitators’ Interactions With Computational Models of Ethnocentrism - Simren Trehin, University of Calgary; Apoorve Chokshi, University of Calgary; Pratim Sengupta, University of Calgary
Dis/Orienting Code Through Centering Affect and Memories of Immigrant Learners of Color - Megha Sanyal, University of Calgary; Santanu Dutta, University of Calgary; Basak Helvaci Ozacar, University of Calgary; Pallavi Banerjee, University of Calgary; Pratim Sengupta, University of Calgary
Care and Emotions in Computing Practices Within the Context of Integrated STEM: A Relational Perspective - Shakhnoza Kayumova, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth; Akira Harper, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth; Demi Muyuela, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth