Collaborating With Schools and Using Data to Reduce Inequities in Student Outcomes
Thu, April 11, 10:50am to 12:20pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 116Session Type: Symposium
This session will provide an overview of Networks for School Improvement (NSIs), collaborative teams in which districts and schools work together with researchers to identify and implement strategies to improve student outcomes (particularly for historically underserved populations) and use inquiry cycles and data-informed decision-making to test and refine those strategies. Three research teams will describe their collaborations with NSIs and results of evaluations of NSI progress and effectiveness. The three research teams focus on different student outcomes at different grade levels and in different regions of the United States with the unifying goal of collaborating with schools and districts and using data to reduce equity gaps in student achievement and college enrollment.
Sub Unit
Researchers and Practitioners Collaborating to Improve Math Outcomes - Toni M. Smith, American Institutes for Research
Research-Informed Coaching Toward Continuous Literacy Improvement - Matthew J. Welch, American Institutes for Research; Allison Belmont, American Institutes for Research; Sami Kitmitto, American Institutes for Research
Assessing the Implementation of the College Enrollment Network for School Improvement - Catherine Bitter, American Institutes for Research; Oshin Khachikian, American Institutes for Research; Angela Su, American Institutes for Research; Kristina L. Zeiser, American Institutes for Research
Assessing the Impact of the College Enrollment Network for School Improvement: A Focus on Latinx Students’ Postsecondary Outcomes - Alberto Guzman-Alvarez, American Institutes for Research; Dana Shaat, American Institutes for Research; Kristina L. Zeiser, American Institutes for Research