Scholar-Practitioners Leading Equitable Change With Improvement Science (Table 15)
Thu, April 11, 10:50am to 12:20pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall BSession Type: Roundtable Session
Doctoral students in one EdD program were used Improvement Science (IS) as the required methodology in their dissertations in practice. The scholar-practitioners, who serve as leaders in K-12, community college, and university contexts, used IS to create improvement initiatives designed to dismantle inequitable student outcomes within their institutions. Each author will present the findings of the first cycles of improvement as well as discuss the challenges they faced as leaders doing equity work in spaces that were not particularly amenable to equity-based change.
Sub Unit
Improving Equity-Mindedness in Community College Services - Rebecca Childs, Western Carolina University
Supporting Teachers for the Successful Inclusion of Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing - Christina Armfield, Western Carolina University
Creating a Sense of Belonging in the University Admissions Process - Mike Langford, Western Carolina University