Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Relevant Social Studies: Research and Practice With and for Multilingual Youth
Thu, April 11, 12:40 to 2:10pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115BSession Type: Structured Poster Session
This session seeks to forefront scholarship and teaching that centers the needs, interests, and experiences of multilingual (ML) youth in social studies by asking the question: What is the current and future research and practice on culturally and linguistically relevant social studies with and for ML youth? Authors in this session will share research and practice that aims to dismantle racial and linguistic injustice by constructing educational possibilities for ML youth. For example, authors will share about social studies education taking place inside, outside, and beyond the classroom to engage youth in disciplinary and non-disciplinary spaces that is grounded in love and joy and sustained with a social studies education that centers culture, language, and community.
Sub Unit
Curriculum Dreaming and Building Toward Freer Schools (Poster 1) - Yianella M. Blanco, University of California - Davis
Centering Emergent Bilingual Learners' Cultures and Languages Throughout Social Studies Inquiry (Poster 2) - Mary J. Schleppegrell, University of Michigan; Rebecca D’Angelo, University of Michigan; Mina Hernandez Garcia, University of Michigan; Chauncey Monte-Sano, University of Michigan
Charting Directions for Social Studies Research and Practice for Immigrant Students Affected by Undocumented Status (Poster 3) - Jennifer M. Bondy, Arizona State University
De Los Abajos: Rasquache Movidas Toward Critical, Culturally, and Linguistically Relevant Social Studies (Poster 4) - Timothy Monreal, University at Buffalo - SUNY; Jesus Tirado, Auburn University; Saul Barrera, University of Texas at Austin
Centering and Mobilizing Transnational Funds of Knowledge of Emergent Bilingual Children in a Social Studies Teacher Education Classroom (Poster 5) - Yeji Kim, University of Missouri
Using Critical Dialogic Education to Center Multiple Perspectives on American History in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classroom (Poster 6) - Vonna Hemmler, Amherst College; Colleen Fitzpatrick, University of Toledo
Bridging Research and Practice: What Secondary Social Studies Teachers Need to Know When Working With Emergent Bi/Multilingual Youth (Poster 7) - Alicen Brown, Charlottesville City Schools; Michelle Hock, University of Virginia; Michael Paul Gurlea, Ball State University
Why Stories Matter: Using Latine Children’s Literature in the Bilingual Elementary Classroom in Advancing the Civicness of Latine Communities (Poster 8) - Cinthia S. Salinas, University of Texas at Austin; Melissa Rojas Williams, University of North Texas; Pedro A. Berlanga, University of Texas at Austin
Leveraging Linguistic and Cultural Frames for Social-Spatial Understandings With Transnational Youth (Poster 9) - Matthew R. Deroo, University of Miami; Jennifer Beth Kahn, University of Miami; Daryl B. Axelrod, Columbia University
A Newcomer Emergent Bilingual Learner Engaging in Disciplinary Inquiry Practices through Translanguaging (Poster 10) - Mina Hernandez Garcia, University of Michigan
Empowering and Integrated Social Studies Instruction for Elementary Newcomers: A Collaborative Action Research Project (Poster 11) - Paul J. Yoder, Eastern Mennonite University